TAX HOLIDAY On 21 January 2019, the Head of Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia issued a new regulation, i.e., Regulation of Investment Coordinating Board Number 1 of 2019 concerning Details of Business Fields and Types of Production of Pioneer Industry Eligible for the Corporate Income Tax Reduction Facility as well as Guidelines…


BKPM to Operate OSS as of 2 January 2018

BKPM TO OPERATE OSS AS OF 2 JANUARY 2018 As you may be aware, the Government has issued the Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018 concerning Online Single Submission (“GR 24/2018”) whereby all business licenses (including SIUP and TDP) must be processed through an Online Single Submission (“OSS”) run by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic…


New Manpower Regulations on Foreign Workers

Presidential Regulation No. 20 of 2018 regarding Utilization of Foreign Workers was issued on 29 March 2018, which enters into force on 29 Juni 2018 (“PR 20/2018”) and subsequently revokes the Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2014 regarding Utilization of Foreign Workers and the Implementation of Education and Training for Assistant Employees (“PR 72/2014”). The…


New OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018 on Digital Financial Innovation

General Overview In order to cover previously unregulated information technology-based services, on August 15, 2018, OJK issued the OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018 on Digital Financial Innovation (Inovasi Keuangan Digital – “IKD”). IKD is defined as business process update activity, business model, and financial instruments that provide newly added value in the financial services sector by…


Tax Amnesty Law

After protracted and somewhat controversial parliamentary deliberation, on 1 Juli 2016 the Indonesian Parliament has finally passed the long anticipated Law No. 11 of 2016 on Tax Amnesty (“Tax Amnesty Law”). Tax Amnesty Program (“TAP”) is not entirely new, countries such as Italy, South Africa, India and even the Philippines have previously adopted similar program with varying…


BIR&Partners 20th Anniversary

Today, 2nd August of 2016, marks the 20 years Brigitta I. Rahayoe & Partners has been catering various legal services to its clients. We wish to let our clients know that we truly enjoy working with you and we truly feel honored to be of your assistance all these years. Through this post, we would also…


New Negative List of Investment 2016

On 12 May 2016 the President of the Republic of Indonesia issued a new Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2016 regarding the List of Business Fields which are Closed and Business Fields which are Conditionally Open for Capital Investments (“DNI 2016”) or commonly known as the Negative List of Investment which generally serves as an…


Kami Apakah Relokasi

Dear valued clients, As of February 23rd, 2015, Brigitta I. Rahayoe & Partners will relocate to our new premise at: Suite 9B, 9th Floor, Sahid Sudirman Centre, The Sahid City Complex, Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 86, Jakarta, 10220 Telephone : +6221 2788 9027 Faksimil : +6221 2788 9030…

Legal Brief: Government Regulation No. 46/2013

Singkat Hukum: Peraturan Pemerintah No. 46/2013

Perusahaan kecil dan menengah ("UKM") dan pengusaha memainkan peran penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia, fakta bahwa UKM mencapai lebih 99 persen dari semua perusahaan di semua sektor ekonomi dan mempekerjakan lebih 95 persen dari populasi adalah bukti tentang bagaimana UKM penting untuk kesejahteraan keseluruhan…

New Brigitta I.Rahayoe Website

Situs Web Brigitta I.Rahayoe Baru

BRIGITTA I. RAHAYOE & PARTNERS, memiliki praktik berbasis korporasi dan komersial yang luas, mewakili kedua investor dan perusahaan asing dan Indonesia. Perusahaan tersebut telah ditangani beberapa yang paling tinggi profil keuangan perusahaan Indonesia dan M&A. Semua pengacara senior dan tingkat menengah kami berpengalaman pengacara dari beberapa firma hukum yang paling disegani di Indonesia, dan memiliki…
