As you may be aware, the Government has issued the Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018 concerning Online Single Submission (“GR 24/2018”) whereby all business licenses (including SIUP and TDP) must be processed through an Online Single Submission (“OSS”) run by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (“CMEA”). Thus, as conveyed in the initial joint press release of CMEA and the Investment Coordinating Board (“BKPM“) on 9 July 2018 that the management of OSS would be transferred to and permanently be handled by BKPM.

In relation thereof, CMEA and BKPM on 21 December 2018 have issued another joint press release that conveyed the transfer of the OSS operation from CMEA to BKPM as of 2 January 2019.

The transfer to BKPM covers the following:

1.     Assisted Licensing Services (Layanan Perizinan Berusaha Berbantuan):

a. OSS Lounge (to provide consultation etc);

b. Call center at 1500765; and

c. Email helpdesk at satgasnasional@ekon.go.id, helpdesk.oss@insw.go.id or info.oss@insw.go.id; and

2.     Operation of the OSS system.

Going Forward

There is no further guideline or further information on the transfer of management of OSS to BKPM. At this stage it is still unclear as to whether there will be changes to the procedure and requirements for licensing. Thus, it is advisable to have a consultation with BKPM prior to submitting any application.

This client alert is intended to provide an overview only and cannot be deemed as a legal advice.  If you need a more detailed discussion and/or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.